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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars turns 6

Sha8doW's picture

Wow, it’s been six years! Happy birthday ETQW and congrats to Splash Damage!
It was great and still had so much more potential!
Some great mates were found/made during this games era – a real fun time for IPX

Who’s up for a trip down memory lane tonight/this weekend?


n0mad's picture

c0unt me In

Always up f0r sum ETQW…..


Robag's picture

oww sounds good

I will need to see what state the TEAMIPX ETQW server is in :o


Somtin's picture


Might not be able to. Got an interview tonight and some other plans and I got tests coming up next week so I gotta study for them this weekend.

Sha8doW's picture

Don't worry

It’s very last minute and my inlaws are down – so I’m risky.
Its not an organiaed function, just a matter of, if were on well see what pwople want to play.

Fuzz's picture


Sweet. I’m in probably for tomorrow night. No major plans yet.

linuxslacker's picture

sounds fun

count me in :)

with such short notice i don’t think we will get enough people maybe delay it a week and get the word out? im fine with tonight/this weekend just message me on steam when the event starts

linuxslacker's picture

DoublePost :(

site double posted my comment for some reason you can delete this one :(

Sha8doW's picture

No deletes...

Only beer for double posts!

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